My Favoite Detox Remedies

There’s no shame in indulging a little bit every once in a while, especially around the holidays when you want to enjoy time with family and friends and not count calories. November through January are big months for holiday parties, cocktails and of course, family gatherings.  I thought I’d share some of my favorite ways to detox since I’ sure many of us will be over indulging over the next few months.

Before I get into my detoxes though, my advice would be to enjoy these months of celebration, but be mindful of what you eat.  That doesn’t mean you have to cringe when you see a dessert platter. Instead have some dessert, but ask for a smaller serving. Have that glass of wine or two, but skip the third one. Try to eat less meat, or stick to just one type per meal. Several different types of meat or poultry in your body at once can be hard on your digestion. Or you can do what I do and not eat any at all… Just saying.  I promise if you are careful during these months you will be able to enjoy yourself much more.

With that being said, here are my favorite detox remedies:

Cranberry & Chia seeds with Lemon

Ok so this first one is my go-to and has been for years. It’s chia seeds mixed with cranberry and half a lemon. This is an intense drink so you have to be committed. It’s very tart but the health benefits are worth it for me. I’ve been making this drink for years when I need to bounce back.

Cranberry aids in digestion, prevents infections and acts as an antioxidant. Chia seeds are high in fiber and omega 3 and are also an antioxidant. Lemons are a natural diuretic and will purge your body of unneeded water retention.

Mix 1/3 cup of just cranberry juice, 1 cup of water, a tablespoon of chia seeds, and if you can handle it, half a lemon.  Enjoy!

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an oldie but goodie. I mean, who hasn’t heard of the ACV detox?! I’ve been doing this one on and off for over 10 years. I copied the recipe from their website below.

The ACV detox drink is as follows:

1 to 2 tbsp of ACV.

8 oz of water.

Optional: add 1 to 2 tbsp of a sweetener of choice (usually honey, maple syrup, or Stevia)

Supporters of this detox say it helps with weight loss, removal of toxins from the body, and blood sugar regulation. ACV is a staple in my fridge.

Green Juice

I drink green juice a few times a week, year round. Lately not as much because I’m currently living in a smaller space and don’t have a juicer. No problem, though, I can just go buy one for $13 down the street (crying as I type that). I usually opt for only organic juices. Sometimes I order one off the menu or I build my own. This is what I usually ask for when building my own:

Parsley, spinach, cucumber, lemon ginger and apple for sweetness.

Try it! You won’t be disappointed.

Ginger Tea

Next is my homemade ginger tea. Ginger will cleanse the body and help remove the build-up of waste and toxins in the colon, liver, and other organs. Lemon as I mentioned above is a natural diuretic and have numerous health benefits.

-Cut off about 3 inches of ginger root; scrub it and peel/cut off skin.

-Slice ginger into smaller pieces and add to about to 3 cups of water.

-Add half a lemon and bring to a boil for about 5-6 minutes.

-Pour and enjoy! 

Detox Tea

If you’re looking for a quick fix and don’t want to the hassle of buying numerous products, this roasted dandelion spiced detox yogi tea is amazing. I honestly didn’t expect it to be when I bought it, but I felt great after drinking it. I usually drink it at night. Dandelion root was traditionally used by herbalist to support liver health. This tea also aids in digestion.

Boil one cup of water, cover and steep for 7 minutes.

I’m sharing these with you because they are what work for me. I hope if you’re recovering from a boozy weekend, vacation or the holidays you’ll try one out. If you do, drop a line below and let me know how it goes for you. In the mean time, enjoy the holidays!

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